Admission Guidelines
All children and young adults wishing to receive quality Catholic education and willing to be formed and developed into Christ-like individuals are welcome to enrol at Veritas Catholic School. While it is preferred that new enrollees are baptized into the Catholic faith, the school welcomes applicants from the different Christian denominations, as long as they are willing to participate in all Catholic rites, functions and activities in school.
The School is now accepting ONLINE REGISTRATIONS
Nursery Enrollees must at least be 4 years old on or before October 30 of the current school year
Kindergarten Education (KE) is the first stage of compulsory and mandatory formal education for children at least five (5) years old on or before October 30 of the current school year (S.Y. 2021 – 2022) as prerequisite for Grade One.
(Omnibus Policy on Kindergarten Education; DepEd Order No. 47, s. 2016, Section 6, IRR of RA 10533).
The school is accepting ONLINE REGISTRATION. Please follow the steps below.