Institutional Advisory 6

July 24, 2020


Subject: Release of Textbooks for Grades 1 –  6 and Math Textbooks  

                                for Grades 7 -11 

Dear  VCS Parents and Guardians, 

     Please be informed that starting July 27, 2020, all textbooks as listed in the Instructional Tools and Materials for Grades 1 – 6  and Math Book for Grades 7 – 11 are all available for pick up in school. 

      For those who paid already either online or at the VCS accounting office, you may already claim the textbooks. Pick up schedule is from Monday – Friday at  9:00am – 2:00pm.

VCS adheres to the DepEd, DOH and IATF guidelines on COVID-19 Prevention. 

Please abide to  the school’s guidelines for implementation:

  1. Parents/ Guardians must pass through the Sanitation and Disinfection Area wearing their face mask. NO MASK NO ENTRY policy.
  2. Masks should be properly worn at all times inside the campus.
  3. The school will only accommodate 16 persons at the lobby area following the 1 meter Physical Distancing.
  4. Our security personnel will conduct thermal scanning upon entry to the school. Scanned temperature with 37.5 degrees and above will not be allowed to enter and advised to leave the school  premises immediately.
  5. After thermal scanning, disinfection spray is applied to both hands of the parent/ guardian and will proceed to the Kiosk to fill out the Health Declaration Form.
  6. The Grade 1 room is the designated area for pick up of textbooks. Only one parent can enter at a time. 
  7. After receiving the textbooks, parents should leave the premise right away using the EXIT gate. 

Parents/ Guardians who have other option in getting their child’s textbooks, please email the School Principal at

The  distribution of Lenovo tablets and Chromebook  for those who ordered will be scheduled including the uploading of e-books for Grades 4 – 6. Kindly wait for further advisory in our official Veritas Catholic School FB Page.  





