Learning Delivery Mode

Overview of VCS Learning Delivery Mode

Veritas Catholic School responds with DepEd by providing an alternative mode of learning delivery so that learning continues to every Veritan learners with access to  quality  Catholic education.  

As we face the new normal in education this school year 2020 – 2021, Veritas Catholic School adopted the Online Distance Learning Program as the mode of our learning delivery. Though implementing this program, it is not actually new to the VCS community since we are known as a Digital/ Smart  School. We have been using a learning management system, stable wifi infrastructure, a learning gadget and Google Certified Educators who are well- equipped and capable in teaching online learning. The only new in VCS online learning is that the students are learning in their respective homes making it a remote learning. Parent’s role in online learning is to prepare their child’s classroom at their respective home. Learning will become very evident because parents can witness the delivery of teaching and learning in their respective home  while the teacher is still the one in-charge of delivering, teaching and facilitating the lessons.

 The delivery of learning and teaching will be in two ways, synchronous and asynchronous. First is through a synchronous approach wherein classes are  conducted in  real time  for teaching  with the use of zoom and google meet  while the other delivery is through an asynchronous approach. All classes in an asynchronous approach are conducted in an offline manner but within a time frame given by the teacher. Pupils/ students have to do their assigned work/ activities/ performance task during the given time frame and teachers will be only available online for consultation.

 Since it’s a remote/ distance learning, in order to adapt to the changes, VCS  prepared an acronym called GMRC in the conduct of online teaching for the parents.

G- uide your  children  during the entire  course of the online class 

M – onitor  them in the  conduct of asynchronous  class  and the  use of the learning gadget

R – esiliency in facing all the challenges and problems encountered in online  learning, do not panic  and 

C – ollaborate and communicate to  the school  24 / 7  as  a way of  helping, supporting and giving feedback to one another in facing the new normal in education.

As for the students, classroom management is right in your respective home, be responsible and do not forget to strictly observe the ethics during online classes  whether synchronous or asynchronous.



