Learning Continuity Plan


All schools face many challenges this coming school year and one of this is on how all private and public schools will face and adapt to  the “New Normal“ in education. “New Normal” in education pertains to the changes in the learning environment,  mode of learning delivery,  flexibility of work, changes of school’s structure in order to observe physical/ social distancing and others that normally we cannot practice anymore because of the need to control and prevent the spread  of  COVID-19 in our respective schools. Veritas as a Catholic/ parochial school,  continues to fulfill its mission in preparing each member of the learning community through its School’s  Learning  Continuity Plan.  

VCS aligned its mission to the current health situation by providing a learning hub where all individuals  are:

 Yearning to be like Christ by showing care and compassion to the current  situations brought by COVID-19. 

Opening our arms to the poor by preparing the school and its entire VCS community on the impact of  COVID-19  in the economic status of the parents and employees. 

Utilizing digital learning opportunities by implementing a full digital learning  program  from Nursery to Senior High school as  the school’s alternative learning delivery mode for S.Y. 2020-2021. 

Nurtured in a caring environment and nurturing the environment by preparing guidelines and protocols  for the health and  safety of the learners and  employees including the psychosocial support and providing virtual activities in forming students social and emotional development   

Global yet local wherein despite the current changes in the learning environment, the learners and teachers are ready to collaborate and create new learning, knowledge, skills and competencies as 21st Century learners and educators.

As  Veritas prepares for its 38th  founding years with the theme “Walking, Working and Worshiping with Hope as ONE”  in the midst of COVID-19, let us all   be together as one VCS  Family.  Let us walk together in facing whatever hardship we will encounter along the way. Let us work together  in the delivery of an Online  quality Catholic education and let us worship together as one VCS Community by  being strong in keeping our Faith  and  entrusting  VCS to the Lord. We HOPE as one  VCS family, we continue to build our community and  journey  together  for the integral education in Christ’s truth.



